Monday, April 23, 2007

A beautiful piece of creation....

How does one come up with a song like "Innu Daya Baarade Daasana Mele"?? If you are a kannidaga and a serious music enthusiast, and you havent listened to this song, you are missing out on something. You have to feel the rush of emotions when you listen to this song, then you'll know why Sri Purandara Dasa was who he was. Only he knows what he must have felt to come up with something like that. The raaga that makes the "Geete" what it is, well i dont have words enough to describe it. When i heard it today, I could feel all the hairs on my body stand up. Even as I write this I keep playing the piece of music, which feels out of the earth, in my mind and my eyes get moist. I think everyone has to find that one thing in life for which one feels so deeply that it doesnt matter what else exists or doesnt. I hope I find that "thing". Maybe that day I'll know who I'm. Till that day I'll keep singing "Innu Daya Baarade Daasana Mele".


Pri said...

send me your email address so i can send you an invite :)

Anonymous said...

if you find this song in any format by either Vidyabhushan, balamuralikrishna or anyone for that matter kindly post it or pls send it to